About Tak Yin
Tak Yin offers online lessons and in-home instruction in bass clarinet, clarinet, dictation, and ear training. With a D.E.S.S in music from the Université de Montréal and a Bachelor's degree from Hong Kong Baptist University, Tak Yin brings a wealth of experience and expertise to his teaching. His philosophy centers on inspiring students to unlock their full potential in music by fostering a deep understanding and appreciation for the art itself. Tak Yin empowers his students to develop their distinct performance styles while equipping them with a solid foundation in technique, musicianship, and creativity. Fluent in Cantonese, English, French, and Mandarin, Tak Yin provides a supportive and enriching learning environment for students of all ages and levels. Book an interview now.
As a clarinet teacher, my teaching philosophy revolves around inspiring and guiding my students to unlock their full potential in music. I tailor my teaching approach to cater to each student's unique needs and goals, with the aim of creating a positive, encouraging, and engaging learning environment. I don't see music education solely as mastering technical skills; it's about fostering a deep understanding and appreciation for the art itself. I encourage my students to explore a diverse range of musical genres, prompting them to think critically about the music they're playing. Beyond the technical aspects, I place a strong emphasis on musical expression and interpretation. I firmly believe that music is a potent form of communication, and I empower my students to develop their own distinct performance style. Ultimately, my goal is to instill a lifelong love for music and a sense of pride in their musical accomplishments. By establishing a solid foundation in technique, musicianship, and creativity, I equip my students to pursue their musical dreams both inside and outside the practice room. En tant que professeur de clarinette, ma philosophie d'enseignement consiste à inspirer et à guider mes élèves pour qu'ils libèrent tout leur potentiel dans la musique. J'adapte mon approche pédagogique aux besoins et aux objectifs uniques de chaque élève, dans le but de créer un environnement d'apprentissage positif, encourageant et engageant. Pour moi, l'éducation musicale ne se limite pas à la maîtrise de compétences techniques ; il s'agit de favoriser une compréhension et une appréciation profondes de l'art lui-même. J'encourage mes élèves à explorer une gamme variée de genres musicaux, les incitant à réfléchir de manière critique à la musique qu'ils jouent. Au-delà des aspects techniques, je mets fortement l'accent sur l'expression et l'interprétation musicales. Je crois fermement que la musique est une forme puissante de communication, et je donne à mes élèves les moyens de développer leur propre style d'interprétation. En fin de compte, mon objectif est de leur inculquer un amour de la musique tout au long de leur vie et un sentiment de fierté à l'égard de leurs réalisations musicales. En établissant une base solide en technique, en musicalité et en créativité, je donne à mes élèves les moyens de poursuivre leurs rêves musicaux à l'intérieur et à l'extérieur de la salle de répétition.
Name: Tak Yin (Full name will be provided upon registration)
Age: 27
Gender: male
D.E.S.S en musique - Répertoire d'orchestre - Université de Montréal Bachelor's degree - Hong Kong Baptist University Studied under notable instructors such as Lorenzo Antonio Iosco, Lau Wai, André Moisan, Jean-Marc Volta, Andrew Simon, and Shih-Wei Lin.
Recipient of scholarships and awards, including Luc Vinet Scholarships, HKBU Honour Students Recital Awards, Grand Champion in Hong Kong Youth Music Interflows, and Gold Award in Schools Creative Music Showcase. Récipiendaire de bourses et de prix, dont les bourses Luc Vinet, les prix HKBU Honour Students Recital Awards, le Grand Champion de Hong Kong Youth Music Interflows et le Gold Award de Schools Creative Music Showcase.
- Performance experience with orchestras including the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra, Orchestre symphonique de Montréal, and more. - Specialization in bass clarinet and membership in The Bass Clarinet Association of Canada. - Collaboration with composers and premieres of bass clarinet solo and chamber music pieces. - Expérience de la scène avec des orchestres tels que l'Orchestre philharmonique de Hong Kong, l'Orchestre symphonique de Montréal et d'autres. - Spécialisation en clarinette basse et adhésion à l'Association canadienne de clarinette basse. - Collaboration avec des compositeurs et création de pièces pour clarinette basse en solo et en musique de chambre.
Rates and Studio Policies
Registration Fee: $25.00 (One-time lifetime registration fee may be used by all family members)
Rates for instruction:
30 minute private lesson: $39.00
45 minute private lesson: $49.00
60 minute private lesson: $59.00
Travel charge: additional $15.00 per visit (for lessons in a client's home as opposed to my studio)
1. Cancellation Policy
Lessons not cancelled or rescheduled with at least 24 hours notice are billable to the client and payable to the teacher. This does not of course apply to travel fees unless the notice is effectively given at the door and the teacher has travelled to the location.
2. Cessation (quitting) Policy
A client must provide a 2 lesson notice period to stop lessons. So a weekly student needs to give 2 weeks of notice, a biweekly student works out to 3 weeks notice and a twice weekly student works out to a week of notice.
3. Illness Policy
Lessons cancelled due to illness or extraordinary circumstances with less than 24 hours notice remain billable to the client and payable to the teacher.
BAH teachers are encouraged to offer a make-up lesson at a future date in the interest of client relations and general goodwill. This only makes sense as teaching a student with the flu for example, will ruin the rest of your week's employment.
No more than 2 lessons may be made up due to illness within a 60 day period.
4. Rescheduling Policy
Any lesson can be cancelled or rescheduled with at least 24 hours notice.
Summer Vacation and Extended Absence Policy
Clients may schedule longer absences for trips etc. 24 hours notice is required.
It is normal and typical for students and about 20% of our teachers to schedule a break in the summer. We do not enforce a notice period (see cessation of lessons) at the end of a long summer break.
5. Evaluation Period
There are no free trial lessons with Beethoven at Home but we do offer a 2 lesson evaluation period where it is easy to try out a teacher. There are no free lessons during the evaluation period and clients may choose to discontinue the lessons at any time by providing the required 24 hours notice. After the student's 3rd lesson the required 2 lesson notice period will apply (see cessation of lessons above).
Lessons in your home
Tak Yin is available to teach in your home if you are located in the following areas
Online lessons
Tak Yin can provide online instruction. While other platforms are possible BAH strongly recommends the use of the Zoom video conferencing platform as it is optimized for music lessons and audio quality.